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Punjabi Language (5-11)


The Punjabi Language Program is a four-year course offered as an alternative to French to meet curriculum second language requirements. Students begin their study of Punjabi in Grade 5 and remain in the program for grades 6 and 7. Students are expected to stay in the program through grade 8.  The course is based on the B.C. Punjabi as a Second Language curriculum and is taught by a teacher fluent in Punjabi.

Elementary Punjabi classes will be available at the following schools, depending on community interest. Students from nearby schools can also register if there is space available.

Elementary Punjabi Locations:

City CentrePanorama/Sullivan
Green Timbers Elementary
8824 - 144 Street
Phone: 604-588-5961
Email: greentimbers@surreyschools.ca
Beaver Creek Elementary
6505 - 123 A Street
Phone: 604-572-6911
Email: beavercreek@surreyschools.ca
Chimney Hill Elementary
14755 - 74 Avenue
Phone: 604-592-2913
Email: chimneyhill@surreyschools.ca

Newton Elementary
13359 - 81 Avenue
Phone: 604-596-8621
Email: newton@surreyschools.ca
Strawberry Hill Elementary
7633 - 124 Street
Phone: 604-596-5533
Email: strawberryhill@surreyschools.ca

T.E. Scott Elementary
7079 - 148 Street
Phone: 604-596-0357
Email: tescott@surreyschools.ca

For more information on Punjabi programs, please contact the schools or Priority Practices (Languages Department) at:
Phone: 604-595-5325
E-mail: ci-office@surreyschools.ca

Punjabi Grade 8 Program

Grade 8 students can choose to attend Enver Creek Secondary, Frank Hurt Secondary, Princess Margaret Secondary or Tamanawis Secondary for their Grade 8 Punjabi Language Course.

Grade 8 Punjabi Locations:

City CentrePanorama/Sullivan
Enver Creek Secondary
14505 - 84 Avenue
Phone: 604-543-8149
Email: envercreek@surreyschools.ca
Tamanawis Secondary
12600 - 66 Avenue
Phone: 604-597-5234
Email: tamanawis@surreyschools.ca
Frank Hurt Secondary
13940 -77 Avenue
Phone: 604-590-1311
Email: frankhurt@surreyschools.ca

For more information on Punjabi programs, please contact the schools or Priority Practices (Languages Department) at:
Phone: 604-595-5325
E-mail: ci-office@surreyschools.ca

Punjabi Secondary Programs

Eight high schools in Surrey offer senior Punjabi courses. Punjabi 11 (not Intro Punjabi 11) meets the language requirement for entrance into some universities.

Secondary Punjabi Locations:

City CentrePanorama/Sullivan
Enver Creek Secondary
14505 - 84 Avenue
Phone: 604-543-8149
Email: envercreek@surreyschools.ca

L.A. Matheson Secondary
9484 - 122 Street
Phone: 604-588-3418
Email: lamatheson@surreyschools.ca

Queen Elizabeth Secondary
9457 King George Boulevard
Phone: 604-588-1258
Email: queenelizabeth@surreyschools.ca
Panorama Ridge Secondary
13220 - 64 Avenue
Phone: 604-595-8890
Email: panoramaridge@surreyschools.ca

Sullivan Heights Secondary
6248 - 144 Street
Phone: 604-543-8749
Email: sullivanheights@surreyschools.ca

Tamanawis Secondary
12600 - 66 Avenue
Phone: 604-597-5234
Email: tamanawis@surreyschools.ca
Frank Hurt Secondary
13940 -77 Avenue
Phone: 604-590-1311
Email: frankhurt@surreyschools.ca
Princess Margaret Secondary
12870 - 72 Avenue
Phone: 604-594-5458
Email: princessmargaret@surreyschools.ca

For more information on Punjabi programs, please contact the schools or Priority Practices (Languages Department) at:
Phone: 604-595-5325
E-mail: ci-office@surreyschools.ca

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