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Princess Margaret Secondary 
Extra-Curricular Activities 2023-2024

PM Lions: Join a Club, Council or Afterschool Program

 A-Team (PM Volunteer Club)
 A-Team is a group of students who volunteer for various jobs and events within and outside the school.  We currently have an amazing A – Team built up from previous years and welcome any new participants interested in volunteering.  Please come see Ms. Singh in the Career Centre to sign up!
Contact: Ms. Lee / Ms. Singh in the Career Centre

Alkhyama is an afterschool program which focuses on leadership, team building, inclusivity, and community involvement.  Al-Khayma is an Arabic word which can be translated to “The Tent”.  In this program geared towards individuals who are new to Canada, students will learn important personal development skills while improving communications skills and engaging with the community.  Additionally, students will have the opportunity to participate in Community Action Projects over the course of the program.
Time: Wednesdays 3:00-4:30 / Location Room: 118 
Contact: Yousif Shaboo / Email:   shaboo_y@surreyschools.ca

The Book Club
The PM Book Club is a space where students who love to read can read and discuss books without inhibition. Every month, we choose a book and then meet the following month to discuss – often, there are treats! Please see Ms. Ranu in room 212 if you are interested in joining.
Contact:  Ms. Ranu / room 212

CASTLE (Character, Awareness, Strength, Tenacity, Leadership, Empowerment): 
CASTLE is an after-school mentorship program geared toward male identifying students in grades 8 - 10 that runs weekly. Participants will work with a mentor throughout the program. CASTLE will also utilize motivational guest speakers, events and create unique opportunities and projects for participants to give back to their school in meaningful ways. 
Time: Mondays 3:00-4:00 / Location: Room 118
Contact: Yousif Shaboo / Email:   shaboo_y@surreyschools.ca

Chess Club
For anyone who loves chess and would like to join in on some fun competition join the Chess Club!  Online games with your peers. 
Contact: Mr. Vizvary room 105

Dance Teams (Bhangra & Hip Hop)
The dance team is an extracurricular program that runs all year around after school.  You’ve probably seen the dance team preform around school before at half time during students vs. teachers’ games. We’ve preformed at the pep rally and at the end of the year award ceremony. As well as other events throughout the school year.  Outside of school the Dance Team competes against other dance teams around the lower mainland.  
Contact: Mr. Panesar Room 113

DELF Preparation Club
To provide support to French 12 Students electing to take the DELF A1-B1 Exams in April 2024, specifically for the exam, to prepare for the test format style.
Time: Afterschool once a week
Contact: Mr. Lam Room 210

EID Festival Planning Club
To plan fundraise for, execute, and gather feedback on school-wide EID Festival and celebration giving the school population a way to learn about the Islamic religion and our Muslim peers / colleagues.
Contact: Mr. Lam Room 210 / Ms. Patel Room 112

Ethics Bowl Team
Are you interested in debate, philosophy, ethics, or just have strong convictions that you want to advocate for? If so, Ethics Club might be for you! We work towards developing critical thinking skills by analyzing relevant social issues and discussing them amongst ourselves. We also work towards exciting goals such as competing in the Regional Ethics Bowl held at SFU in February. If this sounds like something you're interested in, come to our meetings every Monday in Ms. Patel's room. 
Contact: Ms. Patel Room 112

Grad Council
 If you’re a Grade 12 student who’d like to help to make your last year of high school a memorable one, consider joining the Grad Council as a General Member. We’re always looking for new ideas, suggestions for events, and help to make events successful. Volunteer callouts and General Meeting invitations will be posted on the Grade 12 Team regularly (check the “Grad Information” channel) and via the @pmgrad24 Instagram account.
Contact: Mr. Lam Room 210 / Ms. Patel Room 112

Green Team
 To educate our school community about the causes, consequences, and mitigating measures in relation to climate change by valuing Indigenous ways of knowing and learning.
Contact: Ms. Panesar room 117

GSA Gender-Sexuality Alliance Club
The PM GSA provides all students who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+ and their allies, to meet informally once a week as part of a safe and supportive group. We often discuss topics related to social justice and current affairs. Each June, we aim to collaborate with other clubs in the school to organize Pride Month activities, to encourage a spirit of inclusivity and education amongst the school community.
Contact:  Mr. Lam Room 210 / Ms. Brule 110

Multicultural Club
Raise awareness and build community around Princess Margaret’s diverse population.
Contact: Ms. Myers room 100A

Peers Club
This is a club for students previously enrolled in PEERS to maintain and grow connections and skills learned through the program.
Contact: Ms. Myers and Ms. Penpenia Room 100A or 100B

PM Osul Club
The PM Osu! club is a club about the popular computer rhythm game Osu!   This involves club members playing said game in a friendly competition on Fridays in the CPU lab 118.  Please make sure to bring a pair of wired headphones and optionally a keyboard and mouse.
Contact: Ms. Bhupal Room / Location:   Computer Lab Room 118
Time:  Fridays at lunch

PM Newspaper – Inside the Lions Den
PM’s Newspaper – Inside the Lion’s Den – focuses on written journalism, where we reach out to the PM Community with news, sports, and opinions. This newspaper covers a variety of information. If you love to write, are interested in journalism, or just want to be a part of an amazing team, please see Ms. Ranu in room 212.
Contact:  Ms. Ranu room 212

PM News
A broadcasting group that puts out videos of what is happening in our school and local community.
Contact:  Ms. A. Johal room 228 and Mr. Uppal room 226A

Punjabi Cultural Planning Committee
The goal of this club is to spread the appreciation of Punjabi language, culture, history and customs in our school community and community at large in Surrey by providing them the volunteer opportunities to get involved in community events
Contact: Ms. Chhina room 209

Reach is an employment readiness program for Grade 10/11/12 students. This program will be delivered through weekly 1.5 hour sessions facilitated by Community Schools Partnership staff and partner groups. REACH will prepare and guide students to immediate jobs in recreation and youth/youth programs as well as hospitality.  Sessions include lessons and activities around themes of leadership, community, recreation, and health.   Students will also gain work experience in after-school and spring break programs and receive important certifications including: First Aid, Customer Service, Principles of Healthy Childhood Development and Food Safe.  For more information click here REACH (surreyschools.ca)
Time:  Tuesdays & Thursday’s 3:00-4:30 / Certification days 3:00-6:30
Location:  Library
Note: There are a few spots left open for this program.

Contact:  Yousif Shaboo / Email:  shaboo_y@surreyschools.ca

Provide students at PM a venue to share STEM related information.  Solving online problems, sharing STEM opportunities in the community, information on STEM scholarships etc.
Contact: Mr. Mann / Library

Social Justice Club
If you’re interested in raising awareness about different social issues, creating a more inclusive environment, and fundraising for the issues that matter to you.
Contact: Mr. Kowalenko room 221 and Mr. Lam Room 210

Student Spirit Union
To cultivate a dynamic inclusive and engaged school community. 
Location:  Library
Contact: Student Manroop Padda / Sponsor Teachers: Mr. Panesar, Ms. Gill

Team Orange 
Team Orange is a club trying to promote social awareness focused on the needs of others around the world.  This year’s focus area is raising funds and awareness around the human crisis occurring in the Middle East.  We have partnered with the nonprofit organization PENNY APPEAL Canada.  This organization is a relief and development organization that helps support breaking the cycles of need and poverty around the world.  If you are a student that would like to make a difference in the world this club is for you!  
Contact:  Ms. Kidd Main Office, Mr. T. Wong Room 224 or Ms. Jasmine Singh room 222

YoBro / YoGirl
YBYG A mixed-martial arts program that gives students the tools to achieve their full potential and work with positive role models, while avoiding negative behaviors. We cultivate resiliency in at-risk youth and empower them with tools to avoid the perils of drugs, gangs, crime and violence. Early identification of risk factors and outreach to those most vulnerable has been proven to be an effective crime prevention technique. The Yo-Bro / Yo-Girl focuses on prevention of gang involvement, violence and substance use among boys and girls in Elementary and Secondary schools. An after-school mixed martial arts program used to engage the most at-risk youth. For more information click here:
Time: Afterschool Friday’s 3-5pm  
Location: Princess Margaret Secondary / Gym and Theatre Room
Contact: Yobro / YoGirl Staff

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