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Communicating Student Learning (CSL)

Quality Assessment and CSL are processes that honour learning as a continuous journey that focuses on growth and improvement over time and provide a window into student learning. They are learner-centered practices that ensure that assessment is fair, transparent, equitable and responsive to all, and includes the following essential elements:

Identify Learning Standards

These standards, derived from the curriculum, clarify what students are expected to know, be able to do, and understand (KDU Curriculum Model). They are the points of reference for determining student growth and achievement and for communicating student learning clearly. Criteria are identified to help guide students in achieving success in the learning standards.

Design Learning Experiences

Teachers design a variety of opportunities for all students to develop the knowledge, skills and processes embedded within the learning standards. Students demonstrate their learning in relation to the success criteria.

Evidence of Learning

Students can demonstrate learning in a variety of ways. Learning can be captured through products, conversations, and observations (Triangulate Evidence of Learning). This collection of student work is gathered over time to provide a full profile of the learner and the learning.

Communicate Learning

Students self-assess, and teachers and peers provide feedback on the evidence of learning in relation to the success criteria. Feedback describes the student's strengths and next steps. This allows teachers and learners to clearly communicate to parents/caregivers where the students are in relation to the learning standards, what they are working towards, and ways that learning can be supported. It also guides teacher instruction. Parents/caregivers are encouraged to engage in conversations about learning with their child and provide feedback. At a point of time, progress is reported using the proficiency scale.

Through these essential elements, the assessment process becomes transparent and students develop shared ownership of their learning (voice). This leads to increased motivation, achievement, and independence.

The Ministry of Education and Child Care has shared various resources for parents and caregivers to offer additional details about the updates to the Ministry Reporting Order. These resources can be found on the Ministry of Education & Childcare website under .

connect with us:

If you have any comments, questions, or suggestions, please feel free to contact us. 

Priority Practices - Department Contact
email: CI-office@surreyschools.ca              ph: 604-595-5325

Lindsey Frederickson - District CSL Helping Teacher (Elementary)
email: frederickson_f@surreyschools.ca     ph: 604-595-6380

Angela Kailley - District CSL Helping Teacher (Secondary)
email: kailley_@surreyschools.ca                ph: 604-595-5194

Honouring learning as a continuous process rather than a series of separate events, teachers design opportunities for students to develop an understanding of learning processes and to reflect on their learning journeys.

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