Getting involved with your school PAC and Surrey DPAC
Getting involved in your school's Parent Advisory Council (PAC) is an amazing way to be involved in the school life of your student and build a positive school community.
The PAC is the officially recognized collective voice of parents and caregivers in a school. All parents/caregivers of students in a school are members of the PAC. Check with your school administration to find out about your school’s first PAC meeting. PACs organize and participate in a variety of activities throughout the year, such as hot lunch and treat days, fundraising, school leaving/graduation ceremonies, and much more. There are often opportunities to volunteer in many capacities, both short and longer term, so check with your school’s PAC executive to find out how to get involved.
Surrey District Parent Advisory Council (Surrey DPAC) is the legislated parent voice at the school district level, representing the collective views of Surrey PACs. Surrey DPAC is in regular communication with the district to advise the Surrey Board of Education on any matters relating to education in the Surrey School District.
Check the for the next and find out how you can get involved.